Bredonborough WillyFred spent the night
WillyFred spent the night in the bedroom. He comes alive from time to time but is not back to full health. T hand-fed him in the kitchen while I was stroking his head.
Over to World HQ I…
… for new reading…
… in Study Six…
17.12 Tidying, e-flurrying… the facility for
The OCG V Special Performance Project is now available the day after it was available. This necessitates re-booking the flight.
Last Sunday’s Sunday Times’ Money Section featured the Minx…
A very good article. Today, Toyah manages her own financial affairs, exceptionally well, with advice from professionals. She was managed by Dr. SG Alder, then SG Alder Esq., between 1983-1991: a good argument for self-management of money matters? But Toyah is unable to comment on the extent to which Mr. Alder guided her financial thinking: he bound her with a gagging-order as part of the conditions for releasing her from her management contract with EG. The management relationship broke down because
Mr. Sam Alder (
ISC Board) did not pay Toyah income that EG had received on her behalf. This is a story known to DGM Diary visitors; and which IMO might be better known by the wider public as part of the current debate on actions by financial advisers / managers over the past three decades. Which has a long future.
Today, WillyFred is one of T’s trusted advisers…
Neighbours from down the street are coming for a happy hour.
20.14 A most enjoyable, civilised congreting.
To gentle.